Important Steps To Take To Reduce the Risk of a Stroke

Important Steps To Take To Reduce the Risk of a Stroke

Important Steps To Take To Reduce the Risk of a Stroke

Important Steps To Take To Reduce the Risk of a Stroke

Stroke is a common condition affecting many in the United States. It’s a serious medical emergency that requires proactive prevention. Learn some preventative measures by exploring these important steps to take to reduce the risk of a stroke. These strides provide valuable insights and guidance.

Keep Your Blood Pressure Under Control

High blood pressure is one of the heightened risks of developing a stroke. It is essential to control your blood pressure, which you can achieve by following a healthy lifestyle. Start leading a healthier lifestyle by avoiding stress. Manage your stress with deep breathing exercises, taking PTO, journaling about your day, or talking with a professional. These things can help ensure your blood pressure doesn’t rise.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is necessary for leading a better, healthier life, and it’s a step to reducing your stroke risk. Start your day with exercises targeting cardiovascular health. These exercises also help lower your blood pressure and reduce your diabetes risk. Try exercising for at least 30 minutes a day, and maintain the momentum five days a week. Consider creating an action plan with your primary care physician if your health condition prevents you from exercising daily.

Monitor Your Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol levels increase stroke risk. Monitoring your cholesterol levels regularly and taking steps to lower them if they are high is essential. You can lower your cholesterol levels by taking medications, exercising, and eating a balanced diet. Inquire about other ways to improve your cholesterol levels from your healthcare provider.

The important steps to take to reduce the risk of a stroke and achieve optimal health require commitment and consistency. These wellness practices will improve your health and decrease your stroke risk. Consider taking one of our American Heart Association courses for additional resources or professional guidance. These courses provide comprehensive lessons and information on heart health and stroke prevention. With each healthy choice you make, you’re taking a step toward a healthier life.

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