Why Workplace CPR Training Is Important for Employees

Why Workplace CPR Training Is Important for Employees

Why Workplace CPR Training Is Important for Employees

Why Workplace CPR Training Is Important for Employees

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), 436,000 Americans die from cardiac arrest each year, and 350,000 of those attacks are outside of a hospital. CPR doubles and sometimes triples the chance of survival when performed during cardiac arrest while awaiting medical help. Even if you aren’t in the healthcare industry, workplace CPR training is important for employees and offers benefits for everyone.

Employees Feel Cared For

Employees who know you care about them are less likely to leave your company. Offering CPR training at work lets your team know the importance of this lifesaving care, no matter where they are. The benefits extend beyond work, and your employees will appreciate that.

Reduce Liability

Imagine how it would look to customers if one of your employees saved a life while performing CPR that they learned while working for your company. If you can prevent dangers and save lives, you reduce the liability of your business.

Increase Morale

Morale plummets when employees feel stuck in a loop without much care in between. When employees see their place of work as a team of people who care for each other, it increases everyone’s morale.

CPR Saves Lives

CPR saves lives. There are no guarantees, but the chance of a victim’s survival greatly increases with timely CPR. If someone at work suffers cardiac arrest, your team can draw from their training and administer CPR while awaiting first responders.

Legal Requirements

Some jobs legally require CPR certification, including the following careers:

  • Physical therapists
  • Personal trainers
  • Childcare providers
  • Sports coaches
  • Educators
  • Elderly/special needs care providers

EMTs, nurses, doctors, and others in the medical field also require CPR training.

Workplace CPR training is important for employees in many ways. Notably, it gives them confidence in their company and emphasizes health and wellness. At CPR123, we offer training for American Heart Association certifications online and in person. Contact us with your questions about employee training, and we’ll help you find the right program for your team.

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